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#1 21-12-2011 21:30
- ESTfan
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حصرى: أسامة الملولي ينظم إلى الترجي الرياضي
أكد اسامة الملولي في تصريح خاص بشمس فم أنه وبعد الإنتهاء من الالعاب العربية المقامة بالعاصمة القطرية الدوحة فإنه سينظم مباشرةً إلى الترجي الرياضي التونسي لخوض البطولة التونسية ،مؤكداً بأنه من محبي الترجي بإعتباره فريق عريق كما عبر عن فرحته بهذه المشاركة خاصةً وأنه لم يمارس السباحة أمام جمهور تونسي منذ سنة 2001.
Shems FM
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#2 22-12-2011 23:48
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Communiqué aux médias à l'occasion des Jeux Panarabes
L'Espérance Sportive de Tunis organisera une réception en l'honneur de ses deux nageurs, Oussama Mellouli et Wassim Elloumi, à la suite de leur triomphe aux derniers Jeux Panarabes au Qatar le samedi 24 décembre 2011 à l'Hôtel du Parc à partir de 18h30.
Les médias sont cordialement invités à cette réception.
Par Dr Mohamed CHALA
#3 24-12-2011 23:06
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Oussama Mellouli : «Contribuer à donner une autre dimension à la natation à l'EST»
C'est M. Lassaad Sarray, le directeur exécutif du club, qui a donné le coup d'envoi de la réception donnée en l'honneur de nos nageurs et nageuses qui se sont illustrés aux Jeux Panarabes, et notamment à Oussama Mellouli et Wassim Elloumi. M. Sarray a déclaré aux nombreux présents «je suis très ému aujourd'hui d'autant plus que le message de nos nageurs est très important dans la mesure où leur travail, leur sérieux et leur abnégation constituent un exemple pour nous tous afin d'avancer et de progresser.»
Ce fut ensuite au tour de M. Abdessatar Mabkhout de dire «Oussama Mellouli est un garçon d'une modestie exemplaire. Espérantiste de cœur, son intégration au sein de l'Espérance fera de lui le leader de cette section afin qu'elle devienne le porte-drapeau du club. Mais, il n'y a pas que Mellouli, Wassim Elloumi vient lui aussi de s'illustrer tout comme Ahmed Mathlouthi ou les filles, Meriem Meddeb et Asma Boukhatem.
Je veux aussi remercier les parents et surtout Senda Gharbi qui est la cheville ouvrière de cette section qui réalise un essor remarqué sur le plan des résultats mais aussi dans sa gestion.»
Quant à Oussama Mellouli, il a déclaré «je remercie tout le monde, les dirigeants, et les jeunes nageurs du club qui m'ont réservé un accueil digne de ce grand club qu'est l'Espérance. Je tiens aussi à mettre en exergue cette nouvelle star de la natation tunisienne, Wassim Elloumi, dont j'ai fait la connaissance aux jeux panarabes. Je l'ai côtoyé ainsi que les autres nageurs, et je peux vous certifier qu'ils se battent pour lever le pays.
Aujourd'hui, je rejoins l'Espérance non mu par une question financière, j'en avais de plus avantageuses, mais pour contribuer à lancer cette section. Lorsque j'étais jeune, l'Espérance n'avait pas de section de natation. Maintenant, je souhaite aider à améliorer le niveau général de la natation tunisienne, surtout à l'Espérance. Et on commencera dès ce mardi avec les championnats de Tunisie. J'espère satisfaire tous les supporters de notre club.»
Le jeune Wassim Elloumi, il est né le 15 juillet 1993, ... a dit «je veux tout d'abord remercier Oussama Mellouli qui m'a soutenu. J'espère maintenant que je serai à la hauteur des espoirs placés en moi et répondre aux attentes de tous les supporters.»
Enfin, Senda Gharbi, la responsable de la section, a relevé que «la venue d'Oussama Mellouli constitue une belle opportunité pour assurer le décollage de notre section sur tous les plans. Mellouli devrait servir d'exemple à tous les jeunes de l'Espérance pour les encourager à travailler et à avancer.»
#4 25-12-2011 18:41
- montana-89
- TarajjiManiaque
- Inscription : 15-10-2010
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التتويجات اللي هزهم الملولي في نهار أكثر من تتويجات الإفريقي في 90سنة ههههههههه
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#5 26-12-2011 10:01
- Gianni
- Super Fan
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Une très bonne initiative d'un grand club:engager des grands champions ne fait que renforcer l'image du club et encourage les jeunes à doubler d'effort
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#6 28-12-2011 15:48
- Gianni
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Tous les grands champions sont des sang & or.
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#7 29-12-2011 16:04
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Natation : Championnat de Tunisie
Plusieurs médailles d'or et trois records battus
Les championnats de Tunisie de natation se poursuivent à la piscine d'El Menzah enregistrant un engouement et une passion toute nouvelle. Il faut dire que la participation de notre champion Oussama Mellouli sous les couleurs de l'Espérance a drainé la grande foule et a suscité un remarquable intérêt.
Chez les Dames, Asma Boukhatem a remporté le 200m nage libre, Nesrine Khélifati le 100m brasse, Mariem Meddeb le 100m papillon, alors que le 4X200m nage libre a été remporté par l'Espérance formée d'Asma Boukhatem, Senda Ayari, Meriem Meddeb et Nesrine Khélifati (record de Tunisie).
Chez les hommes, Oussama Melllouli a gagné le 50m dos, le 50m papillon (record de Tunisie), le 100m papillon (record de Tunisie), et Wassim Elloumi a remporté le 100m brasse. Au cours de l'épreuve de relais du 4X200m nage libre, l'Espérance composée de Fedi Hannachi, Mohamed Ali Chaouachi, Ahmed Mathlouthi et Oussama Mellouli a remporté l'épreuve avec un nouveau record de Tunisie à la clé.
Cet après-midi, rendez-vous avec les finales programmées à 17h00.
#8 29-12-2011 23:27
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Natation : Cinq nouveaux titres
Lors de la deuxième journée du championnat de Tunisie de natation, l'Espérance a remporté cinq nouveaux titres avec chez les dames, Mariem Meddeb aux 50 m nage libre et Nesrine Khélifati aux 200m papillon, alors que chez les hommes, Oussama Mellouli a gagné le 100m dos (record de Tunisie) et le 200m papillon (record de Tunisie); et Wassim Elloumi le 200m brasse.
#9 30-12-2011 13:43
- ESTfan
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#10 30-12-2011 13:45
- ESTfan
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العربية سبورت
بعد إهدائه ذهبياته الـ15 للشعب الفلسطيني
شارع في فلسطين يحمل اسم البطل أسامة الملولي
غزة – إبراهيم عمر
أُطلق اسم البطل التونسي أسامة الملولي الحائز على 15 ميدالية ذهبية بمسابقة السباحة في الدورة العربية التي اختتمت مؤخراً في قطر، على شارع في مدينة بيت لحم الفلسطينية بالضفة الغربية، تقديراً له على مواقفه تجاه القضية الفلسطينية.
وكان الملولي الذي نال جائزة أفضل لاعب في الدورة العربية، أهدى في ختام مشاركته الميداليات التي حصل عليها للشعب الفلسطيني، وظهر يوم تتويجه وهو يضع الكوفية الفلسطينية على كتفيه، وقال إنه يهدي الميداليات ولقبه لفلسطين وأبطال فلسطين وشعبها.
وقام السفير التونسي في فلسطين لطفي الملولي الأربعاء برفقة محافظ بيت لحم عبد الفتاح حمايل ورئيس الإتحاد الفلسطيني لكرة السلة خضر ذياب ورئيس نادي إبداع الدهيشة خالد الصيفي بتدشين أحد الشوارع في بيت لحم وقد حمل اسم البطل أسامة الملولي.
وشارك الملولي عبر الهاتف في حفل تكريم أقامة نادي إبداع الدهيشة للاعبيه ولاعباته الذين توّجوا خلال الفترة الماضية بالبطولات المحلية، ومنها فوز فريقه لكرة السلة بكأس فلسطين للمرة الرابعة وفريقه النسوي بالكرة الطائرة بالبطولة المحلية للمرة الخامسة على التوالي.
وبدوره، قال خالد الصيفي رئيس نادي إبداع الدهيشة لـ"العربية.نت"، إن إطلاق اسم التونسي أسامة الملولي على أحد شوارع بيت لحم هو خطوة أولى لتكريم هذا البطل، مؤكداً أنه سيتم دعوته لزيارة فلسطين خلال الفترة القادمة وإقامة حفل تكريم يليق به وبمواقفه الشجاعة.
وأشار الصيفي إلى أن مواقف وكلمات الملولي في ختام مشاركته بالدورة العربية كان لها أثر بالغ على الفلسطينيين عموماً والرياضيين على وجه الخصوص، متمنياً أن تشهد الفترة القادمة استفادة فلسطينية من خبراته وإمكاناته باعتباره أحد الأبطال العالميين في رياضة السباحة.
وكانت الأوساط الرياضية الفلسطينية عبرت عن سعادتها بموقف السباح التونسي، وسط دعوات لإقامة تكريم خاص له داخل الأراضي الفلسطينية خلال الفترة القادمة، إلى جانب العديد من الرياضيين العرب الذين ساندوا القضية الفلسطينية بطرقهم الخاصة ومن بينهم النجم المصري محمد أبو تريكة.
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#11 03-01-2012 15:33
- Gianni
- Super Fan
- Lieu : Tunis
- Inscription : 20-05-2009
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Natation : Meilleure performance pour Néjib BelhédiLe Tunisien Néjib Belhédi, spécialiste de la nage en eau libre, a remporté le titre de la meilleure performance mondiale en eau libre 2011, suite à un vote on line.
«L'homme le plus performant du monde en eau libre 2011», a récolté 2,341 voix (19%) devant l'Espagnole Selina Moreno Pasagali (1,898 voix, 15%).
Il a été en concurrence avec 16 autres challengers mondiaux pour ce titre mondial, un prix décerné par l'International Marathon swimming hall of fame qui supervise toutes les épreuves de natation de grandes distances dans le monde.
Selon cette instance, le projet de Néjib Belhédi, tenu en compte dans ce concours et qui consiste à parourir 1.400 km de côtes tunisiennes, a été démarqué par la passion et l'engagement du nageur et par le volet logistique impressionnant qui l'a accompagné.
Les critères de sélection requis pour ce titre portent en effet sur le courage, la performance, la continuité, la détermination, le sens de l'aventure et le défi.
«Je suis très content d'avoir gagné ce vote qui m'ouvrira la porte à une invitation aux Nations unies et fier de remporter ce titre pour la Tunisie», a indiqué Néjib Belhédi à l'agence Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP).
Le marathonien a ajouté que son objectif, c'est «de voir les jeunes Tunisiens pratiquer massivement ce sport qui pourra être un nouveau créneau pour le tourisme tunisien.» Le nageur tunisien, engagé pour parcourir 1.400 km de côtes tuniennes, a bouclé 700 km après avoir entamé ce marathon le 22 juin dernier à Djerba, avec une moyenne de 3 km par jour.
Ajouté le : 03-01-2012
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#12 05-08-2012 12:41
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JO 2012 - Natation : Mellouli en bronze
Le sociétaire de l’Esprérance de Tunis, triple champion du monde et détenteur de la médaille d’or olympique aux JO 2008 de Pékin, Oussema Mellouli, a réussi ce soir à obtenir la médaille de bronze du 1500 mètres nage libre aux JO de Londres.
Toute la famille Espérantiste est fière de son nageur.
#13 10-08-2012 14:29
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JO Londres 2012 : Mellouli en or !
Oussama Mellouli lors de son marathon victorieux ! (Photo : Getty Images)
Le nageur «Sang et Or», Oussama Mellouli, vient d’offrir à la Tunisie une superbe médaille d’or lors des jeux olympiques de Londres. Notre grand champion, qui est entré dans la légende de l’histoire du sport tunisien, a, en effet, remporté le marathon de la natation, une épreuve de 10 kilomètres qu’Oussama Mellouli a parcouru en 1h49’55’’.
Voilà une formidable récompense pour un sportif hors normes et qui rentre donc avec une médaille de bronze au 1500m et une médaille d’or sur les 10km.
Bravo Champion !
#14 10-08-2012 19:09
- ESTfan
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Mellouli wins open water gold medal
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli prays after winning gold in the men's 10km marathon swimming at Hyde Park during the London Olympic Games REUTERS/STEFAN WERMUTH
By Julian Linden
LONDON, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli won the gold medal in the men's swimming marathon at the London Olympics on Friday to become the first swimmer to get medals in the pool and open water.
Mellouli won the 1,500 metres freestyle gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and used his superior speed to burst clear of his rivals and win the gruelling 10-kilometre race in the Serpentine in London's Hyde Park.
"I can't explain it, I can't really describe it," Mellouli said after pumping his chest when he finished.
"I don't think this has ever been done before. This is probably one of the toughest things to do.
"I'm a pretty solid guy and I never react but you saw that reaction, that says it all."
Germany's Thomas Lurz won the silver medal and Richard Weinberger of Canada the bronze but no-one could keep up with the 28-year-old Mellouli after he charged into the lead on the fifth of the six loops.
He quickly opened up a three-body-length lead over the chasing pack and maintained his advantage to the end, slapping the overhead touch pads to win gold in one hour 49 minutes 55.1 seconds.
"I've been struggling, with my shoulder, my elbow, I had a virus. What happened today is a miracle if you believe in miracles," Mellouli said.
"This thing just hurts. You're in pain. Once you hit a wall you just keep pushing, when you hit a wall again you keep pushing."
Lurz was 3.4 seconds behind in second place, with Weinberger a further 1.8 seconds back, in a race contested at the recreational lake in Hyde Park that was constructed in 1730 and remains an tourist destination.
A huge crowd lined the banks to watch the race, which was introduced into the Olympic programme in Beijing four years ago.
A national hero in his homeland, Mellouli became his country's first double gold medallist.
He also won the world championship for 800 metres in 2007 but was stripped of his title and banned from competing for 18 months after testing positive for amphetamines at a meeting in the United States in late 2006.
Mellouli, a student at the University of Southern California at the time of the offence, said he had taken an Adderall pill two days before he tested positive so he could stay awake to finish a university assignment.
Mellouli entered the 1,500 in London and won a bronze medal, but was no match for China's Sun Yang, who smashed his own world record.
The top 14 finishers completed Friday's exhausting event within a minute of each other. The last finisher in the 25-man field was Benjamin Schulte, a 16-year-old from the South Pacific island of Guam.
Schulte, who trains in Australia alongside Sun, took just over two hours to reach the end in the murky waters inhabited by fish, geese, ducks and swans, finishing nearly 14 minutes behind Mellouli but getting as big a roar from the crowd as the gold medallist. (Editing by Mark Meadows and Clare Fallon)
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#15 10-08-2012 19:17
- ESTfan
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Mellouli goes 'through Hell' in landmark swim win
By Tom Williams | AFP
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli competes during the men's 10km open water swimming marathon at the London 2012 Olympic Games at Hyde Park in London. Mellouli claimed victory in the men's 10km swimming marathon to become the first person to win Olympic titles in both pool and open water races. (AFP Photo/Martin Bernetti)
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli shrugged off the after-effects of illness to become the first person to win Olympic swimming titles in pool and open water with victory in the 10km marathon on Friday.
The 28-year-old had been laid low by a virus earlier this week but recovered to plunge into the waters of the Serpentine at a sun-soaked Hyde Park and claim victory in 1hr 49min 55.1sec, 3.4sec in front of Germany's Thomas Lurz.
Richard Weinberger of Canada took the bronze medal, with world champion Spyridon Gianniotis of Greece finishing just outside the medals in fourth place, ahead of Great Britain's Daniel Fogg.
"In the last 300 to 400 metres, I basically went through Hell and came back to life," said Mellouli.
"My shoulders were getting so heavy, my legs were getting so tight, and my lungs were burning so much.
"I caught a virus 48 hours ago and couldn't be in the water, so to come back and do this is something quite miraculous."
Mellouli's victory represented yet another milestone for the pioneering 28-year-old.
In 2008 in Beijing, three months after returning from an 18-month doping ban, he became the first African man to win an Olympic gold swimming medal when he topped the podium in the 1500m freestyle.
He is the second man to have tasted victory in the Olympic open water swimming marathon, after Dutchman Maarten van der Weijden won the inaugural event in Beijing four years ago.
Mellouli also collected a bronze in the 1500m at these Games last weekend.
"To do this kind of double is something that's never been done before, and in one of the toughest races," he said.
The Tunisian made the early running on a baking hot afternoon on the Serpentine lake, with a pack of swimmers assembling behind him to capitalise on the reduced water tension in his wake.
Weinberger had pulled ahead by the time the field reached the end of the first lap, with Mellouli second and Fogg third.
The pack condensed on lap two, and although Mellouli upped the pace again on the following lap, the swimmers remainded tightly bunched at the halfway stage.
Germany's Andreas Waschburger moved to the front of the field at the start of the fourth lap, and he led Weinberger by 1.8sec and Mellouli by 2.1sec with two laps remaining.
The big guns moved into position on lap five and as the final circuit of the lake began, Mellouli, Lurz, Gianniotis and Weinberger had broken away from the rest of the race.
Mellouli took the initiative once again on the sixth lap but although he had extended his lead to 13sec at one point, he faded badly in the final sprint and had to grit his teeth to beat Lurz to the finishing line.
"I think I swam a smart race, because I realised going into the last lap that it was really fast," said Lurz, a bronze-medallist in Beijing.
"I saved a lot of power for the silver medal because I knew that if I pushed too much, I'd end up fourth."
Friday's race was the final swimming event of the London Olympics.
The United States were already assured of finishing top of the swimming medals table, having accumulated 31 medals -- including 16 golds -- in the pool.
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#16 10-08-2012 19:21
- ESTfan
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Olympics swimming: Mellouli takes gold in open water 10k marathon
By Mike Henson
BBC Sport at Hyde Park
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli became the first swimmer to win pool and open water medals at a single Olympics as he surged to the 10km title in Hyde Park.
The 28-year-old, who bronze in the 1500m in the pool at London 2012, powered away with 3,000m to go.
Daniel Fogg, who qualified for the race ahead of Beijing silver medallist David Davies, put in a late push to claim fifth for Great Britain.
Germany's Thomas Lurz was second, with Canada's Richard Weinberger third.
Fogg told BBC Sport: "I felt quite ropey at one point but on the last lap I had quite a bit left and I was feeling good. I was really happy with my first lap, but the pace slowed down, it bunched together and I dropped back.
"It was just a case of trying to fight my way to the front.
"I was quite a bit behind and just picking them off one at a time. I just wish I was a bit closer to be in the race, but I'm really happy from where I came from to get up to fifth."
Fogg had edged out Davies in Portugal in June to qualify as the only British swimmer in the race. Around the halfway point, it looked as if his decision to combine the event with the 1500m freestyle, where he finished eighth in Sunday's final, had backfired.
As Germany's Andreas Waschberger raised the pace and strung out the field on the fourth of sixth laps, Fogg slipped back to 22nd in the field.
But with Mellouli forging clear at the front and the pace wearing down the open water specialists around him, Fogg used his speed from the shorter course to clamber up the standings almost unnoticed.
The 24-year-old Londoner finished just 42 seconds off the winner, following home world champion Spyridon Giannotis in fourth.
Giannotis, like the rest of the open water established order, could not muster a response to the audacious break from Mellouli, who assured a unique swimming double in his fourth appearance at the Games.
"I can't explain it, I can't really describe it," Mellouli said, pumping his chest after claiming victory.
"I don't think this has ever been done before. This is probably one of the toughest things to do.
"I've been struggling, with my shoulder, my elbow, I had a virus. What happened today is a miracle, if you believe in miracles.
"This thing just hurts. You're in pain. Once you hit a wall you just keep pushing, when you hit a wall again you keep pushing."
BBC Sport
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#17 10-08-2012 19:23
- ESTfan
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Mellouli adds open water title to bronze in pool
LONDON -- Pool or lake, it makes no difference to Ous Mellouli.
As long as there's water involved.
The Tunisian won the grueling 10-kilometer race at the London Games on Friday to become the first swimmer to win medals in both the pool and open water at the same Olympics.
Having earned bronze in the 1,500-meter freestyle last week, Mellouli pulled away from a small group of leaders in the fifth of six laps and won in 1 hour, 49 minutes, 55.1 seconds in the murky waters of the Serpentine in Hyde Park.
It was the second gold of Mellouli's Olympic career. He won the 1,500 at the 2008 Beijing Games.
"Nothing compares to this," Mellouli said. "There's no way I can top this achievement."
Mellouli overcame shoulder and elbow injuries before the games, as well as a virus two days ago. Now, he's considering retirement.
"Only those close to me know how much I struggled to get here today," Mellouli said. "I don't think there's a better way to go out than this. I can just leave it all behind and have no regrets."
After pulling himself up on to the makeshift finishing dock, Mellouli flexed his muscles, beat his chest and let out a few screams -- then yelled again after getting the gold medal hung around his neck -- marking Tunisia's first victory of the London Games.
Tunisia has been in a state of unrest since the fall of autocratic leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011 began the Arab Spring.
"I hope every Tunisian watching on TV today could share in my pride and joy," Mellouli said. "We definitely needed that."
Beijing bronze medalist Thomas Lurz of Germany took silver this time, 3.4 seconds behind, and first-time Olympian Richard Weinberger of Canada was third, 5.2 seconds back.
Alex Meyer of the United States finished 10th. Meyer was good friends with teammate Fran Crippen, who died in an open water race two years ago.
The 25-man field completed six laps of a 1-mile course in near-perfect conditions as fans lined both banks of the rectangular lake under bright sunshine.
The only previous swimmer to win medals in both the pool and open water at the Olympics was David Davies of Britain. He took bronze in the 1,500 free at the 2004 Athens Games and silver in the inaugural 10K Olympic race in Beijing four years ago.
Mellouli, who trains at the University of Southern California, is relatively new to open water swimming, but he also won the Olympic qualifier in Setubal, Portugal, in June.
Marathon races are usually contested in oceans or seas, where athletes have to deal with waves and currents -- and more wildlife -- making this race relatively tame, and allowing Mellouli to use his pool expertise.
"The conditions were definitely to my advantage," Mellouli said. "It wasn't really rough and it wasn't too cold. I come from the Mediterranean, so that was a big worry for me. This was the easiest of the three open water races I've competed in."
Mellouli stayed with the leaders for the first few laps then opened up a small lead on the fifth lap.
"I attacked in the fifth lap because I wanted clear water," Mellouli said. "I didn't want to have to fight my way around the buoys and I didn't want to get roughed up."
With Mellouli in front, it left three swimmers fighting for the other medals, although world champion Spyridon Gianniotis of Greece dropped back in the final stages and finished fourth, 10.2 seconds behind.
Gianniotis had been among the favorites and was hoping to give Greece its first gold of the games after winning three World Cup races this year.
Lurz has won the 5K race seven times at worlds but has struggled to dominate the 10K event. Still, his experience helped in the sprint for second.
"I realized in the last lap I had to go for silver," Lurz said.
He compared Mellouli to Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte for his versatility.
"Thomas is just a nice guy," Mellouli said. "That's too kind of him."
The crowd favorite was Benjamin Schulte, a 16-year-old from Guam, who finished far behind all the other competitors. Fans stuck around and applauded loudly when Schulte finally finished nearly 14 minutes after Mellouli.
Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press
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#18 10-08-2012 19:27
- ESTfan
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- Lieu : Tunisie
- Inscription : 25-08-2008
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Re : Suivi de la section Natation
London 2012: Oussama Mellouli wins gold in the Olympic open water swim
• Tunisian first man to win medals in pool and open water
• Britain's Daniel Fogg finished in fifth
guardian.co.uk, Friday 10 August 2012 14.46 BST
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli kisses his gold medal after winning the men's 10km open water swimming marathon at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Photograph: Luis Acosta/AFP/Getty Images
Tunisia's Oussama Mellouli won the gold medal in the men's swimming marathon at the London Olympics on Friday to become the first swimmer to win medals in the pool and open water. Britain's Daniel Fogg was fifth, 42 seconds behind the leader.
Mellouli won the 1,500m freestyle gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and used his superior speed to burst clear of his rivals and win the gruelling 10km race at the Serpentine in London's Hyde Park.
Germany's Thomas Lurz won the silver medal and Richard Weinberger of Canada the bronze but no one could keep up with the 28-year-old Mellouli after he charged into the lead approaching the end of the fifth of the six loops.
He quickly opened up a three body length lead over the chasing pack and maintained his advantage to the end, slapping the touch pads to win gold in 1hr 49min and 55.1sec.
Lurz was 3.4sec behind in second with Weinberger a further 1.8sec behind as the top 14 finishers completed the exhausting event within a minute of each other.
A massive crowd lined the banks to watch the race, which was only introduced into the Olympic programme at Beijing four years ago.
Mellouli won the world championship for 800m in 2007 but was stripped of his title and banned from competing for 18 months after testing positive to amphetamines at a meet in the US in late 2006.
Mellouli, a student at the University of Southern California at the time of the offence, said he had taken an Adderall pill two days before he tested positive so he could stay awake to finish a university assignment.
The Guardian
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#19 11-09-2012 12:24
- Nizar
- Administrateur
- Lieu : Tunisia
- Inscription : 06-01-2003
- Messages : 6 403
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
السباحة : اللومي بطل إفريقيا
تحصّل اليوم السبّاح الشاب وسيم اللومي على الميدالية الذهبية لسباق 100 م سباحة على الصدر في أولى أيّام البطولة الإفريقية المقامة بكينيا من 10 إلى 16 سبتمبر ..
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#20 11-09-2012 14:34
- Rédaction
- Invité
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
Natation : Wassim Elloumi champion d’Afrique
Le nageur «Sang et Or» Wassim Elloumi a été sacré hier champion d’Afrique de natation dans la spécialité 100m Brasse (1’04’01), lors des 12ème championnats d’Afrique de Natation qui se déroulent à Nairobi, la capitale du Kenya du 10 au 16 Septembre, battant ainsi deux nageurs sénégalais et égyptiens.
Le détenteur du record tunisien et arabe de la discipline nagera toute à l’heure la finale du 50m brasse.
#21 17-09-2012 01:45
- Nizar
- Administrateur
- Lieu : Tunisia
- Inscription : 06-01-2003
- Messages : 6 403
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
Wassim Elloumi termine les championnats d'Afrique en beauté en remportant la médaille d'argent en relais. Bravo !
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#22 03-10-2012 20:20
- Nizar
- Administrateur
- Lieu : Tunisia
- Inscription : 06-01-2003
- Messages : 6 403
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
نظّم الترجي يوم أمس حفل إستقبال على شرف المتوجّين بالميداليات في بطولة إفريقيا للسباحة اللتي دارت مؤخّرا بنايروبي , ونعني السبّاحين وسيم اللومي وأحمد المثلوثي .. وقد حضر عدّة مسؤولين من الفريق في مقدّمتهم الرئيس الجديد لفرع السباحة لطفي بن ميلاد اللذي وقع تعيينه مؤخّرا من طرف حمدي المؤدّب تحديدا في غرّة هذا الشهر , وقد وقع تسليم منح خاصّة للسبّاحين المتألّقين تشجيعا لهما على مزيد العطاء خصوصا في البطولة العالميّة القادمة اللتي ستقام بإسطنبول .
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#23 14-11-2012 14:44
- djeb16
- Membre
- Lieu : Tunis
- Inscription : 07-06-2005
- Messages : 37
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
C'est avec consternation que le comité directeur de l'Espérance Sportive de Tunis et les responsables de la section de natation ainsi que tous les techniciens et les nageurs ont aprris aujourd'hui lé décès du jeune nageur du club Yassine Belhadj Ayed, seulement âgé de six ans.
En cette pénible occasion, le bureau directeur de l'Espérance Sportive de Tunis, avec à sa tête le président Hamdi Meddeb, s'associe à la douleur des parents du jeune Yassine et à toute sa famille, et leur présente leurs plus sincères condoléances.
Que Dieu le Miséricordieux accueille Yassine dans son Eternel Paradis.
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#24 14-11-2012 14:50
- djeb16
- Membre
- Lieu : Tunis
- Inscription : 07-06-2005
- Messages : 37
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
Allah yar7mou wina3mou
Rabbi isabber 3ayeltou
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#25 14-11-2012 14:55
- novantezimo
- Membre
- Inscription : 03-11-2010
- Messages : 107
Re : Suivi de la section Natation
يا جماعة البارح في مسبح المنزه غرق ولد صغير يترانا مع الترجي عمرو ستة سنوات يرحمو ربي ويصبر والديه
المشكلة كبيرة راهي المكشخة قاعدة تقبل في الصغار بعدد كبير كبير برشة ما فهمتش على خاطر الفلوس والا شنوة
زيد ما فهمتش كيفاش الممرن مافاقش بالولد الصغير كي غرق وقعد اكثر من 10 دقيائق تحت الماء
والله غريبة الحكاية شوية
يلزم وقفة حازمة في تعيين المدربين الي يلزم يكونو واعين ورزان ومحترفين ومسؤولين
صغار الناس ميش لعبة
نتوجه للمسؤول على فرع السباحة باش يصلح شوية ويعرف اشكون يعين في تدريب الصغار
وربي يستر اولادنا واولاد المكشخة الكل
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